For simpler, more secure exam proctoring
For quick, confident, and bias-free talent decisions
World's first AI Proctoring Agent powered by LLMs
Automated remote proctoring software
AI proctoring with human review
Proctoring with live
Secure Online Exams with Advanced ID Match
Prevent unauthorized access, control test environment
Speed, versatile, and secured online exams
Delivering a smooth and empowering exam experience
Conflict-free, automated interview scheduling
Minimize no-shows, enhance candidate experience
Protect your reputation, say no to proxy candidates
AI video interviewing for hassle-free recruitment
Efficiently interview, review, and collaborate
Effective, AI-supported, bias-free candidate interviews
Increase collaboration in your hiring process
Evaluate Objectively with Consistent Candidate Experience
Streamline your recruitment process from start to finish
Empower test-takers to book their own exam slot.
Seamless integration with leading LMS and payment gateways.
End-to-end data encryption to prevent any data breach.
Let candidates take control of their exam schedule with our user-friendly self-booking feature. They can easily select timings that perfectly align with their personal availability for a stress-free examination experience.
Let candidates take control of their exam schedule with our user-friendly self-booking feature. They can easily select timings that perfectly align with their personal availability for a stress-free examination experience.
Candidates can instantly pay for their reserved exam slot through our secure and user-friendly payment feature, seamlessly directed to your chosen payment gateway.
Candidates can instantly pay for their reserved exam slot through our secure and user-friendly payment feature, seamlessly directed to your chosen payment gateway.
Both our booking and payments features can seamlessly be integrated with leading ATS, LMS and payment gateways. Letting you retain what you are most comfortable with, by adding an extra layer of convenience.
Both our booking and payments features can seamlessly be integrated with leading ATS, LMS and payment gateways. Letting you retain what you are most comfortable with, by adding an extra layer of convenience.
Our products are fully compliant with the current industry standards, regulations and certifications. You can rest assured for secure booking and payments without any data breach.
Our products are fully compliant with the current industry standards, regulations and certifications. You can rest assured for secure booking and payments without any data breach.
Candidates can take full control of their exam schedules with our convenient self-booking feature, allowing them to effortlessly choose the perfect timing for their proctored exams.
Once booked, candidates are seamlessly directed to the chosen payment gateway, where they can securely complete their transaction with ease and confidence. Our streamlined payment process ensures a hassle-free experience, allowing candidates to focus on their goals without any interruptions.
Yes, our features are designed to effortlessly blend with the top ATS, LMS, and payment gateways in the industry, providing an unparalleled level of convenience for our users.
We ensure end-to-end data encryption for any data in motion, ensuring the security of candidate informationOur top priority is safeguarding candidate information, which is why we implement rigorous end-to-end data encryption for all data in transit. This ensures that sensitive data remains secure and protected from any potential threats or breaches.
Partner with us and experience our award-winning support that guarantees a seamless onboarding process. Our team is dedicated to consistently meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations.
Talview Booking & Payments streamlines the process for test-takers to easily schedule their desired proctored exam time and securely complete their payment transactions with efficiency and convenience.