For simpler, more secure exam proctoring
For quick, confident, and bias-free talent decisions
World's first AI Proctoring Agent powered by LLMs
Automated remote proctoring software
AI proctoring with human review
Proctoring with live
Secure Online Exams with Advanced ID Match
Prevent unauthorized access, control test environment
Speed, versatile, and secured online exams
Delivering a smooth and empowering exam experience
Conflict-free, automated interview scheduling
Minimize no-shows, enhance candidate experience
Protect your reputation, say no to proxy candidates
AI video interviewing for hassle-free recruitment
Efficiently interview, review, and collaborate
Effective, AI-supported, bias-free candidate interviews
Increase collaboration in your hiring process
Evaluate Objectively with Consistent Candidate Experience
Streamline your recruitment process from start to finish
ZipRecruiter is a top online employment marketplace that connects employers with job seekers quickly and efficiently. Using advanced matching technology, it distributes job postings to over 100 job boards and delivers qualified candidates to employers. Its user-friendly interface and powerful tools streamline the hiring process, making it easier for companies to find the right talent.
Integrating ZipRecruiter with Talview enhances the hiring process by combining ZipRecruiter's wide-reaching job distribution and candidate sourcing with Talview's advanced assessment and proctoring tools. This integration allows seamless data transfer, enabling recruiters to efficiently manage job postings, candidate applications, and evaluations within a single platform. The synergy ensures more accurate candidate assessments, quicker hiring decisions, and an overall streamlined recruitment process.
Leverage ZipRecruiter’s extensive job distribution network to attract more candidates.
Streamline the recruitment process with automatic syncing of job postings and applications.
Combine Talview’s detailed assessments with ZipRecruiter’s sourcing for better hiring decisions.
"They [Talview] meet our technology needs, but we feel that with them, we don't just have a tech delivery mechanism. We have partners."
"Speed and scalability… we needed something quickly and that could be rolled out at scale across the globe. In order to meet the demands of our customer. We do have a really good working relationship with Talview. We genuinely have a fantastic experience working with Talview."
Cambridge University Press & Assessment